
Egypt is one of the most magical places in the world which has many charming and beautiful places to visit. It is famous for its magical and clear weather.

It has most of the world's monuments. There is an old saying that if you drink from The Nile you will come back again. If you come to Egypt you will enjoy having a very interesting tour.

Imagine yourself at one of its magical and charming beaches on the Red Sea or in the Mediterranean Sea, visiting the Pyramids, the Sphinx, Luxor and Aswan. Learn about Egypt history, culture and art. If you are a family, a couple or a friend Group you will have a special experience you have ever had.


Al-Arish is the capital of North Sinai. It's a large city which is characterized by its Shady Palm-lined beaches, Mediterranean waves and the glowing colors of Bedouin crafts mark,

In this northern sea resort town, you will find good restaurants, hotels and several resort complexes.
There is a Pharaonic fortress at El-Arish that was rebuilt by the Ottomans in 1560, Restored by Boneparte's troops in 1799, and destroyed by British bombers during World War I.

In addition you will have a rare find in the permanent exhibition of the arts and traditions of the Bedouins near the zoological gardens on the edge of town.